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About Me

Let me introduce myself!  

My name is Sophia. I am a Cert IV qualified Bowen Therapy Practitioner with a passion for the amazing specimen that is the human body.  I came to Bowen Therapy about a decade ago when pregnant with my first child.  So cramped and kinked up in my neck that I couldn't hold my head straight or even dress myself, I reached out to a local therapist.  After a 30 min chair session, I had instant relief from the pain and after a day of following aftercare advice, there was nothing left of my former issues.  Bowen Therapy came to the rescue again in my second pregnancy when at 30 weeks, my (darling) boy was still very happily in breach position.  My pelvis was so tight and out of alignment! After 2 weekly sessions of

Bowen Therapy, he was flipped and ready to roll.  

I am so excited to be able to offer you the gentle healing that Bowen Therapy has to give.  It has been a passion of mine for many years and no matter how many clients I see, I am always amazed at the power of this modality to heal pain and soothe stress.  A very much-needed gift in the world we currently know.

Outside of Bowen Therapy, I am a mum to two gorgeous mini humans, a pretentious cat and a white floof of a dog.  Nature walks, swimming, red wine and laughing are some of my favourite activities.  I am passionate about all realms of natural health and healing and have a few too many herbs and herbal teas in our kitchen cabinet! 

We all need our vices...


What people are saying

I am so grateful for Sophia's Bowen Therapy.  Every time she comes and works her magic on me, I feel release and peace.  Sophia is awesome and truly cares for what she is doing.  She is here for me and my needs.  Thank you for who you are and for what you bring along. Thank you. 

Elodie, 40, Busy mum of 3.

After continuing to work without proper healing on two sprained ankles, I was in constant pain, falling over and not able to complete simple activities.  After a year I sought help and found Sophia and Bowen Therapy.  After a few sessions the tension in my ankles loosened and my balance returned.  I am now able to walk on uneven surfaces, run and wear heels again!

Amy, 25, Cattle Station Cook

I saw Sophia regarding my sore knees and reduced mobility. After a couple of sessions I noticed a reduction in the size of the Bakers cyst behind my right knee and I was sleeping and rising without pain.  I now have better mobility and look forward to my sessions with Sophia.

Robyn, 59, Teacher

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